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Real World Application on GCP


I haven't posted in a while as I have been consuming a lot of course content from Google Cloud Skills Boost, in particular their [Cloud Engineer Learning Path](https://www.cloudskillsboost.google/paths/11), in preparation for sitting my Associate Cloud Engineer exam. But there is only so much passive learning I can do before I need to mix in some actual development.

I am therefore planning on producing a web application hosted fully on GCP to compliment my learning. ... Read More

Installing the gcloud CLI


There are four ways to interact with GCP: * the Google Cloud Platform Console (Web user interface) * the Cloud Shell and Cloud SDK (Command-Line interface) * the Cloud Console Mobile App (For iOS and Android) * REST-based APIs (For custom applications)

In this post, I will outline how to setup the Google Cloud SDK (Software Development Kit) onto your local machine. ... Read More